Sunday 31 August 2008

Black history month

Black history month is October and in anticipation of this the Guild is planning a number of events and campaigns. We will be particularly looking to increase involvement of BME students in the Student Rep system. BME students make up very few of the Student Reps and for the system to be fully representative all groups, whether it be postgraduate, international or ethnic shoudl be represented. Also, at Guild Council we will also be looking to renew our committment to anonymous marking. It has been shown that where anonymous marking is in place the results of BME students improve by 12%. Keep an eye out for those campaigns.

Liberation is at the heart of the mission of the Guild of Students. While collectively we strive to defend and improve student rights we all seek to empower those very students with the ability to access a world class education. Despite this some groups still suffer discrimination because of their gender/sexuality/disability or ethnicity. While this discrimination exists at a university and national level we have a responsibility to make the case for equality. I hope everybody takes an interest in the upcoming black history month.

Is it really that long since I blogged?

With it being over a month since I made a post on this site I thought it about time I added something.

Towards the beginning of this month I spent two weeks on annual leave. The occasion was an extended family holiday to County Cork in Ireland. The weather was nice and the food was good. I came back to Birmingham at the end of it refreshed and ready to go.

The I went on the second of my two NUS training courses. This one was called Action through Advocacy and held at the University of Hertfordshire (again). Whereas the first training course I attended (Active Political Leadership) was designed for all officers these sessions were designed to be useful for education/welfare/housing sabbaticals. Accordingly me, Hollie and Oggy went. I found this training particularly useful - the apathy staicase, communication action networks, a better understanding of the Bologna process - most of which I think should be helpful to me during the coming year.

Then finally I had my first day in the office. I have now replied to a huge backlog of emails and and started planning my campaigns. Importantly I have made the resolution to keep adding to this blog regularly.