Monday 10 November 2008

Youtube lectures

A student recently brought this to my attention.

At MIT lectures are put on Youtube for students to download and watch in their own time. Check out how it is down here.

I don't think there is much chance of this happening in Birmingham yet, but what are your thoughts on this?

Lee Saunders, Senate and a cold

These have been the highlights of my last week.

Last Wednesday was University Senate. Senate is the top academic body in the university and receives reports from the Learning and Reaching Committee and Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee. I cannot claim a whole lot happened and the meeting was over in just over an hour.

On Friday some of the sabbs met Lee Saunders, the new Registrar and Secretary at the University. We discussed quite a range of issues from students in the community and student safety to investment in estates on campus.

By no means a quiet week.