Monday 10 November 2008

Youtube lectures

A student recently brought this to my attention.

At MIT lectures are put on Youtube for students to download and watch in their own time. Check out how it is down here.

I don't think there is much chance of this happening in Birmingham yet, but what are your thoughts on this?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we should do it because
1. it would be free global advertising for the university. it would also make the uni stand out to potential applicants, as it could be regarded by them as moving with the times and therefore percieved as a uni which knows what the new generation wants
2. it would make sure that the university had really good lecturers all the time because they would be conscious of their reputation in the world via youtube
3. it would be a good thing socially in the sense that it could make the general population more educated, and i do think education can be considered as an answer to many social ills. ie. educated people tend not to do illegal things (except maybe...erm...fraud) or be racist etc.
4. it would be good for students, who could rewind parts of the lecture they didnt understand and go over it again
5. the forum capacity would lead to better understanding of the topics, and give useful unbiased feedback about the university and lecturers
6. it would allow those with an interest in topics outside their degree subject to learn more about them. the related videos feature could also broaden peoples horizons. more well rounded students can only be a good thing for both the students and the reputation of the uni
7. it encourages self directed learning
8. people often concentrate more when they arent surrounded by their friends passing notes to them, so these people may find it better to work alone when trying to understand complicated concepts