Wednesday 25 February 2009

It's about quality, not quantity...

The first line on my manifesto clearly stated: My first priority as Vice President Education and Access would be to ensure that your degree is really worth the paper it is written on. Little did I know about BIQAES (pronounced bikes) processes at the time...

Every year the University of Birmingham conducts a number of School Quality Reviews. (SQR) These are designed to "test and improve the effectiveness of the internal processes carried out by Schools." These take place on a six-year cycle and on every review team a sabbatical officer is present. An SQR is not directly concerned with what you are taught and how this is delivered. Instead it "focuses instead on the effectiveness of systems in place within the School to assure and enhance the quality of provision, the standards of awards, and the student learning experience." The review team usually compromises of 3-4 academics and a secretary from the University Academic Quality Unit. We spend a whole day in a series of meetings with that school and give them a grilling Paxman would be proud of.

This may all seem a little dull and you may ask why I spend a day a part of a review team, interrogating the systems a school will have in place.

Quality assurance and quality enhancement are important. It is quite simply how we know that our education is good and that it is constantly improving. Pretty simple.

The student voice within these processes are very important. Each review team will meet with students from that school and this is often the most illuminating discussion of the day. The sabbatical officer can also provide a unique perspective on how effective these systems may be.

I have spent Monday and Tuesday reviewing Theology and BMedSci respectively. It was quite intensive, but also very worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

Fantastic that a Sabb is actually addressing their manifesto pledges!

Your second point on your manifesto is "to make the student voice heard" and this is echoed by your quotes around the Guild next to your picture saying you wish for "every student to know who their student rep is".

Would you now admit that this is unachievable?

Also, do you agree that Student Rep's and Guild Concillors overlap in many duties and should be joined to create one scheme?

Also, as a Trustee, is it true that the blackberries have cost £11,000?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't accept that making the student voice heard is unachievable, it's just very difficult. We are working to get the Student Rep names on the website at least.