Tuesday 10 March 2009

The issue of experience

The relative experience of different candidate can be an important determining factor for voters. Take for example the recent US election. Obama had some experience in the State and US Senate though this was far outweighed by John McCains experience. Funnily enough McCain actually had some experience 'changing Washington' and had put his name to major overhauls of campaign finance. However, the mind-boggling inexperience of Sarah Palin, the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, was simply in another league. The very fact that Palin was literally "a heart-beat away from the presidency" (not letting us forget that McCain was also very old) was a major concern for many voters.

See this clip below for a justification of Palin's foreign policy experience.

Yes you heard it... Alaska is close to Russia.... That says it all.

So what is the value of experience when you are running for elected office? Some champion their experience and point out they have the know-how to fulfil their manifesto promises. Your experience may demonstrate you have been campaigning for students for a period of time. It may also be shown that you can get results.

Alternatively, the lack of experience can be used to show that you are an insurgent or an outsider, willing to go in and bring Change. This tactic certainly worked for Obama. The reasoning goes; if you have been on the outside you can see objectively how things can be improved and you have not been corrupted, you are part of no clique or faction of power.

In the Guild Officer elections all the candidates have very differing levels of experience. Some may even feel they are more deserving of a position. In almost every other walk of life if you demonstrate effectiveness and commitment to a cause then you will proceed. Only in the world of elections can a 'less-qualified' individual beat a 'well-qualified' individual. The real criteria that we are looking for in our potential Officers is their ability to gather votes. Surely the only experience that counts is in the ability to run an election campaign?

But then in any democracy the voters know best... surely?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so who is gonna win the vpea race then tom
obama or mccain?